Iowa Withholding Tax
Iowa withholding for Payroll 2024

Check back regularly in case of a tax rate change

On main form, use File, Open. Find "Iowa.use" - Save as employee's name.

Biweekly figures are used. By checking weekly in the "User Info" form the calculations will adjust.
This is an EXACT calculation using the percentage method from the Iowa Dept. of Revenue Publication shown below.

From the Iowa Dept. of Revenue Withholding Publication

"For emloyees who do not file an updated W-4 using the 2024 IA W-4 form: use the standard deduction amounts for total allowances less than $80"
NOTE: Payroll 2024 is using this method.

Payroll Software

Not responsible for any errors in examples shown. It is the responsibility
of the software user to check for correctness of the tax calculations.
SDI and SUI may apply to some states. Check state website.

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